Robert C. Baron is an entrepreneur, a writer, and
a historian. The author/editor of 20 books and more than 100 articles, he is Director of the International Wilderness Leadership Foundation, Chairman of the American Antiquarian Society,
and Past President of the Denver Public Libraries Foundation.
In his varied career, Bob has served as program manager of the Mariner II (Venus) and Mariner IV
(Mars) on-board space computers, vice-chairman of the Board of Directors of the Massachusetts Audubon Society, and was the founder and first president of Prime
Computer, one of America’s Fortune 500 companies. He is the founder and president of Fulcrum Publishing.
Bob received the prestigious Jack D. Rittenhouse Award for 2001. Presented by Publishers Association of the West. This annual award honors outstanding people who have made contributions to the western community of the book.
Fulcrum books that Bob has a hand in include: