Abacus Contest Brodart Company's 1998 "The Elementary School Library Collection"
America´s Deserts
American Booksellers Association "Kids Pick of the Lists" 1996 Award
Children's Books Mean Business Exhibit 1998 Selection Brodart Company's 1998 "The Elementary School Library Collection"
Bagging Big Bugs
Young Entomologists' Society (Y.E.S.) Award for Excellence
Building School Communities National Federation of Press Women 2001 First Place for Instructional Book
Classroom Critters and the Scientific Method American Association for the Advancement of Science 1999 Award
Science Books & Films "Best Books for Children" Award
Creepy Crawlies and the Scientific Method Science Books & Films "Best Books for Children" Award
The Crimson Elf: Italian Tales of Wisdom Storytelling World's 1998 Award
Cucumber Soup
Publisher Marketing Association "Ben Franklin Awards" 1999 finalist
Florida Reading Association's Children's Book Award Finalist
Dawn Land American Library Association's "Best Books for Young Adults" Award
New York Public Library "Books for the Teen Age" Award Rocky Mountain Book Publishers Association Book Design Award
Dog People Brodart Company's 1998 "The Elementary School Library Collection"
Poetry Center at Passaic County Community College "Paterson Prize for Books for young People-Grades 4-6" 1996 award Parent's Choice Awards' 1995 Silver Honor Award
Eagle and the Rainbow
Brodart Company's 1998 "The Elementary School Library Collection"
Earth Tales from Around the World Skipping Stones Honor Award for 1998 Children's Books Mean Business Exhibit 1998 Selection American Folklore Society "Aesop Prize and Aesop Accolade
Prize" 1997 Award Elementary School Library Collection Member
Eco-Women Brodart Company's 1998 "The Elementary School Library Collection" Skipping Stones Honor Award; 1997 semifinalist,
Voice of Youth Advocates "Non-Fiction Honor List" 1997 award
From the Mouth of the Monster Eel Brodart Company's 1998 "The Elementary School Library Collection"
Grow Your Own Pizza American Booksellers Association "Kids Pick of the Lists" 2000 Award National Parenting Publications Awards; 2000 Gold Award
Colorado Authors League "Top Hand" Award
Keepers of the Animals
American Library Association "Notable Books for Young Adults"
Keepers of the Earth
Association of Booksellers for Children Choice Award
Keepers of Life
Instructor's Book Club Selection
Keepers of the Night
NAPPA Parenting Resource's 1999 Award National Parenting Publication's 1999 Gold Award
American Library Association "Best Books for Young Adults"
Mitten Tree American Booksellers Association "Kids Pick of the Lists" 1997 Award
Parent's Choice Silver Honor Award New England Booksellers Association "Discovery of the Month" Award Children's Books Mean Business Exhibit 1998 Selection
Native American Gardening National Parenting Publications Award's 1998 Honors Award
Slop! American Booksellers Association "Kids Pick of the Lists" 1997 Award
Stories in My Pocket
National Parenting Publication 1998 Gold Award Storytelling World's 1997 Award
Storybook Stew
Instructor's Book Club Alternate Selection
Talking to Fireflies, Shrinking the Moon Brodart Company's 1998 "The Elementary School Library Collection"
Una Linda Raza
Colorado Center for the Book's 1999 finalist Border Regional Library Association's 1998 Award
Why Leopard Has Spots
Mamaroneck Library's 2000 Anne Izard Storyteller's Choice Award ~Storytelling World's 1999 Award
American Folklore Society "Aesop Accolade Prize" 1999 Award
Wordworks: Exploring Language Play Conservative Book Club's Home Schooling Book Club Selection
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