
About Us

Our Troops


Girl Scouting



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Hok-te’ Service Unit

 Serves southern Broken Arrow, Oklahoma

Hok-te’ is the Creek (or Muskogee) Indian word for woman. We are located on an area of land once dominated by the Creek Indians.

Our goal is to share information, ideas, inspiration and help to the Girls Scout Leaders and girls of the Hok-te’ Service Unit. We are served by Girl Scouts of the Magic Empire Council. The Hok-te’ Service Unit serves about 160 girls in 20 troops.

We are dedicated to promoting the four goals that define all Girl Scout program activities.

  • Developing Self-Potential
  • Relating to others
  • Developing values
  • Contributing to Society

 Upcoming Events

Hok-te’ Service Unit Project
Saturday, September 14
2 - 4 pm

Speakers from the military will be there to talk about patriotism, and life overseas. The girls will make flags & write note & postcards for the servicemen/women and sing songs. It will be quite an afternoon! For more information contact Service Unit Manager


Hok-te’ Service Campout
November 1 - 3
Activites to be schduled.